History & School Overview

Asian Hope International School is the newest of the three international schools operated under Asian Hope Cambodia. We opened our doors on 12 January, 2010 beginning with Pre-K3 (3 year olds); Pre-K4 (4 year olds) and Kindergarten classes. In August 2010 we added Grade 1 and 2, Grade 3 in 2011, Grade 4 in August 2012, Grade 5 in August 2013 and in August 2014 we finished off our primary department by adding Grade 6. We look forward to starting our Secondary Department August 2015.

Mission and Vision

Asian Hope International School is dedicated to provide a high quality, child-centred education, in a safe and pleasant environment, ensuring that every child feels worthy and appreciated. Asian Hope International School is a bi-lingual school for Cambodian children. Our classes are taught in English and Khmer by native speakers, helping the children to appreciate and retain their own culture, while being prepared to take their place in the global world. Teaching is done from a Christian world view but always in a very open and unpressured atmosphere, recognizing that the children come from different religious backgrounds.


Asian Hope International School curriculum is based on the English National Curriculum and linked to the Cambodian National Curriculum through an integrated topic/theme approach.
In classes up to Kindergarten the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

is followed which covers six Areas of Learning: 
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development;
  • Communication, Language and Literacy;
  • Mathematical Development;
  • Physical Development;
  • Creative Development;
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the world


Children must be three years of age by August this current school year to be eligible for Kindergarten 1, five years of age by August this current school year to be eligible for Kindergarten 3 and six years of age by August this current school year to be eligible for first grade. Every attempt will be made to place the child in the grade they are applying for. However, if through assessment tests or other evidence, it is determined that the child may not be adequately prepared in school work or behaviour for the next sequential grade level, it may be necessary that the student repeat the previous grade.